
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Feeling the feels...

Feeling the feels...


Feeling the feels…

This morning the heaviness is showing up. So many heavy feelings are popping to the surface, some angry, some sad, some saying to give up- I’ll never progress. As they rise to the surface, I love them and sit with them until they pass and the next one comes up. I feel the heavy energy in my gut and my heart and I breathe.

Some days are like this as we clear out the old energy from our bodies. The thing to remember is they won’t stay. It can be easy to feel like I will always feel like a failure, and I can hold onto the emotion or I can breathe into it, send it some love and allow it to move through me when it’s ready.

So if you’re having one of those heavy days, know that I’m with you my friend. It will pass, just ride the waves.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Freedom to be me...

Freedom to be me...

