
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃





As I meditated yesterday I found this space of feeling unwanted and I saw how the pattern has repeated throughout my life. As I sat with the feeling this morning I saw that my body felt unwanted by me. My belly, my hips, my thighs where my body has held the trauma that was way too big for me to feel- until now. My body has been crying out to be seen, to be heard, to be loved. To be wanted just as it is.

And so this morning I nourished myself by wanting and appreciating every part of my body. And I do appreciate it. It has protected me and supported me, emotionally and physically. As I loved my belly that holds so much trauma I realized I didn’t need to unpack that by myself. Jesus has felt that for me and will help me feel it so I can receive the healing He has already provided me. For so long I have felt small, helpless, overwhelmed because I believed I had to face it all by myself. I have always felt big, and it was overwhelming so I shut all of it down. Today I choose to face all of the buried pain and fear with my Savior. I choose to stop hiding. I choose to want all of me, exactly as I am right now.

Is there a part of you that needs to feel wanted and appreciated? A part of you that you have resisted? Are you ready to love all of you, exactly how you are now?

Much love,

Jules ❤

What if...

What if...

