
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

You know who you are...

You know who you are...


You know who you are…

I was on a flight a few years ago where we flew through clouds. Everything was dark and gray as the clouds enveloped us. Then we began to rise and as we got above the clouds the sun was shining brightly. It was beautiful. I was surprised as we descended to land to go through the clouds again and land in darkness and clouds again It was all the same location, the same sky, but it looked so different.

I feel that’s like me. I have lived my life in the clouds, carrying this story and pattern of not being enough, people not seeing me, not appreciating me. The truth lies above these clouds. My Divine Truth is that I am so valuable my Heavenly Father gave His only begotten Son, for me. I am so valuable that my Savior gave His life for me. I am so valuable that my Father and Savior created this whole world for me. Above the clouds I am smart, worthy, successful, joyfully abundant, and loved beyond words.

I love the movie Moana. There is a part (spoiler alert) where she goes to return the heart to Te Fiti so life can grow again in the ocean and islands. First she has to get past Te Ka, portrayed as an angry volcano, destroying all life. At one point she realizes that it’s Te Ka that needs the heart and sings, “they have stolen the heart from inside you, but this does not define you. This is not who you are. You know who you are.”. As she restores the heart Te Ka again becomes Te Fiti and life begins to grow again.

When I am living in my pattern, I am the angry, fearful version of myself, yet when I rise above the clouds and remember who I am I re-align with the Truth of who I am, one with abundant creativity and beauty. That is who I am.

Let’s re-align with that Highest Truth so together we can create a more joyful, light world.

You in?

Much love,

Jules ❤

It came to pass...

It came to pass...

Fantasy Island...

Fantasy Island...