
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃





Love yourself. That always seems to be the advice. I’ve focused on it for years, “I’ve just gotta learn to love myself, then things will fall into place” was my mantra. I committed to mirror work (looking yourself in the eyes and saying “I love you” every day), I committed to feeling love and appreciation for my body when I showered, plus many others; but I couldn’t really do it.

The past couple of months have truly been transformative. With a meditation retreat in November, a 1 on 1 with Kyle Cease in December, 14 day quarantine and meditation retreat in January I have been able to really release (most of) the old story that has kept me playing small my whole life. It was just a few days ago that Kyle gave a challenge to walk around telling ourselves “I love you” that started to release the old patterns. It’s finally sinking into my body.

As I go throughout the day, I simply think, “I love you”. When I want a piece of cake or sugary treat I think “I love you” (sometimes I have it, other times I see a pattern and choose not to). When I have an argument with a loved one, I think “I love you”. When I don’t show up as I would like to have, I think “I love you”. It’s so simple, yet powerful.

Are you up for the challenge? Right now, can you close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and think, “I love you”? How did that feel? Can you do that today, just as an experiment? Let’s see what emerges in you with those 3 simple words.

Much love,

Jules ❤



Letting go of perfecion...

Letting go of perfecion...