
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃





For years I would try to meditate. I was often told to empty my mind which I could never do. I tried guided meditation which was a bit better, but there was rarely any connection. As I learned to sit and allow the thoughts to come up, to accept and even love the feelings, meditation became more of a prayer to God, and a greater connection to my Savior.

Today there are many times that I don’t feel anything happening. There is no big release, there are no epiphanies; it’s more watching my thoughts go past. Yet I notice that I don’t grab hold of the thoughts as much. I watch them go by, or I allow myself to lean into the pain, hurting energy that is still linked to the memories. The more I do this and trust that something is happening, the lighter I am becoming. I notice I don’t look outside myself for validation as much, I can let go of people showing up in unkind ways, and I’m learning to love myself in my most unlovable moments. I am growing, evolving. It may take a month or a year to see physical results, but I’m headed in the direction I want to go and I am moving forward, no matter how slowly.

Listen, can you hear that? It’s your Spirit, your Higher Self calling to you to lean in and take the journey inward. Become your best friend, your most cherished and loved soulmate.

Much love,

Jules ❤



