
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Connecting to Source

Connecting to Source

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Connecting to Source…

This morning I so needed to connect to Source (Universe, Higher Power, for me this is my Savior Jesus Christ) and aside from meditation and prayer, there is no stronger connection for me than going to the Temple to feel my Savior’s love for me. The process of letting go is, as Brene Brown says, brutiful (brutal and beautiful).

I am a grateful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (nicknamed “the Mormons”). The gospel has given me so much light and direction, and , as in so many religions and cultures, it has brought me pain. I have learned of Jesus Christ and a loving Heavenly Father, and I have learned fear, judgement, and shame. As I am choosing to feel these feelings and honor the little girl in me who feels so, so hurt, unloved and just not enough I have decided to change the way I worship.

My entire life I have allowed others to tell me what is right. I have looked to people in authority to tell me how to worship, how to connect to my Father and Savior, what is best for me rather than connecting directly to the Source to see what it in highest alignment for me. You see, I believe all of our journeys are different. I believe our spirits all long to get back to our Heavenly Parents and to feel the loving embrace of our Savior, and our paths to that all look so different. I love the scriptures and love the concept of Come Follow Me (the new curriculum based on Jesus Christ that we are encouraged to study in our homes as well as church) and right now I feel I get to take a break from them and focus on my direct connection to my Savior. I will go to church, participate in meetings, and will gladly study with friends when invited, however my personal study will look much different. More trips to the Temple. More time in daily meditation and prayer. Less time on social media, watching TV or movies (now that the This Is Us finale has aired I can do this- ha ha). Looking for answers and guidance within rather than on google or books or You Tube.

None of these things that I’m giving up for now are “bad”, I simply feel they are getting in the way of my connection to my Savior and it’s time for me to feel after Him. I have read of Him and learned of Him, now I want to get to know Him personally and for now that means taking all the middle men out of it as well as the little distractions.

As I sit in a waiting room I will feel rather than hop on FB or IG. As I find a free night I will connect with meditation and prayer, take a bath, go to bed early. When I have a little time in the morning I will go to the Temple and plug into Source and Power and Love.

What do you feel you get to let go of to free yourself? What may be getting in the way of your evolution and stepping more into your Truth? Will you let it go? I double dog dare you!

Much Love,


The end of struggle...

The end of struggle...